
Forbidden Night - Hiccup X Reader - Part 9

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“You belong to me, _____…”

You tossed your head to the side, letting out a weak sob.

“D-Dagur…stop this…” you whimpered, letting out a cry as you felt the Berserker’s teeth against your neck, biting you roughly. You struggled against him, but for some reason, your entire body felt numb. You couldn’t move.

“I don’t think you’re in the position to be making demands…” he growled, leaving your neck and moving his lips to your ear.


The words sent a chill through your body, and your eyes began to sting terribly as the tears began to fall.

“I’m…I’m not a traitor, I-”

“_____, the traitor. By the Gods, how can you even stand to look at yourself?! You’re pathetic! How dare you ally with that stupid beast?! You’re no better than the dragons!”

You sobbed loudly, desperately trying to get free from the man’s grasp. No matter how hard you tried, however, all you could manage at best were weak kicks and pushes against him.

“I’m not a traitor! I’m not!” you cried, the tears streaming down your face as you attempted to push him away. He cackled - the sound loud and grating - before his lips were pressed up against your ear, giving it an awkward, disgusting kiss that made you shudder in repulsion.

“…I wonder what your father would think? Seeing you like this? Absolutely pathetic…”

The words that Dagur hissed at you struck a nerve. Your body went completely limp, and your eyes went wide as you processed what he had said in your head.

“Fa…Father…no…I…I-I’m sorry…I’m sorry, Father!”


Your eyes shot open as you let out a loud cry, and you jolted upwards, gasping for breath.

Your vision was blurry, and you went to vigorously rub your eyes, sniffling pitifully as you felt your eyes burning. Crying. You were crying over a stupid nightmare. How pathetic…

You froze as you felt a hand on your shoulder, and your thoughts instantly went back to Dagur. Your eyes locked on the form that stood above you, and you felt your heart skip a beat.

“H…Hiccup…” you whispered, beginning to tremble. You felt his arms wrap around you, and you let out a cry against his tunic.

“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” you sobbed, feeling the tears falling down your face again.

“It’s okay,” he whispered in response, rubbing your back gently, “I understand…”

“No, but…I’m such an idiot!” you wailed, your shaking getting worse, “I should’ve done as you said! I shouldn’t have reacted so rashly! Because of that, Toothless nearly got caught and…he found me again…”

You gulped hard as the memories of Dagur assaulted your mind, and you gripped at Hiccup’s tunic tighter, gasping for breath.

He pulled back slightly, offering you a small comforting smile. His hand came up to your cheek, and you tensed, reminded of what Dagur’s hands had done not long ago. But your eyes widened as you felt the fabric of Hiccup’s sleeve wipe along your cheek, drying your tears softly.

“It’s okay…try to calm down, _____…” he murmured, the same comforting smile on his face. You inhaled a shaky breath, closing your eyes as you tried to calm yourself. The feeling of Hiccup’s warm breath close to you - or even just his presence in general, you couldn’t be sure - helped calm your frantic nerves, and you soon found yourself looking up at him again.

“There we go,” he said with a smile, “much better.”

You offered him a weak smile in return, wiping your face free of the spare tears.

“…I’m sorry,” you whispered, “I didn’t mean to…lose it like that…”

“Really, _____, enough with the apologies. It’s fine,” he chuckled, turning to glance at something behind him. When you heard a faint growl in the background, your heart grew heavy.

“…Toothless,” you whispered, watching as a pair of pale green eyes moved into your eye line.

“He hasn’t left your side, y’know,” Hiccup explained, “he helped carry you inside, and even lifted you into bed. He was growling at anyone who tried to get close.”

Hiccup shook his head, as if amazed by what the Night Fury had done.

“Inside? Where…?” you murmured, taking in your surroundings. The last thing you remember was passing out in the centre of the village, and yet now you sat, in Hiccup’s bed. So…Toothless had carried you?

You slowly reached out to the Night Fury, tensing slightly as you felt his snout bump your palm gently. He let out a faint rumble of happiness, before pulling back, slumping down on his back legs next to Hiccup.

“…Thank you, Toothless…Hiccup…” you murmured softly, looking down at the blankets that covered you.

“…What did I damage this time?” you asked after a while, motioning to your numb leg under the covers. Hiccup let out a small smile at your joke, before sitting down on the edge of the bed, near your feet.

“Your ankle had swollen up by the time we got you back here, so I’ve applied some herbal medicine to it. It should be fine, providing you avoid running around carelessly for a few days...but we both know the likelihood of you listening to that, so I guess I should say a few weeks or months, if you’re lucky,” he explained, and you felt yourself laugh a little.

“Sorry…” you sighed, freezing in place when you felt Hiccup’s hand on your cheek once again. Your eyes darted to meet his, and you had to hold back a gulp as he stared straight back.

“Hey…I told you not to apologise anymore…it’s okay…I can’t say I understand everything that’s happened, but-”

“-You’re right,” you interrupted him, pushing your brain’s protests to the side, “I’ve been pretty secretive about things, haven’t I…?”

“…I guess I should tell you the truth…about everything…”

It was going to be painful, you knew it. But Hiccup was kind, and you knew he wouldn’t judge you. After all, you figured that he would’ve done the same things you had done, if the roles had been reversed.

“…Okay,” Hiccup replied softly, nodding. Toothless curled up at Hiccup’s feet, watching you quietly. You gulped hard, inhaling deeply, before beginning the painful delve into your past…

“It all started around 5 months ago. Things were…well, as peaceful as they could get on my island. I was being prepared for my marriage with…Dagur, and that’s…when I found him…” you shuddered at the thought of Dagur’s insane face closing in on you, before pushing it to the side, continuing.

“He’d been injured, much like Toothless had. Only not as…fatal, I guess. But he was weak, and couldn’t hunt for himself. He was slowly starving…”

You clenched your fists, trying to keep calm.

“So, I…started to bring him fish. Every day, I’d go and catch something for him so that he could heal that little bit quicker. I guess that’s how our bond formed…but…one day, someone found out about him, about us…and just like that, I was alone. I had been abandoned…”

“But…why?” Hiccup asked, scratching his head.

“Dragons, at least in my village, Hiccup, are considered a bad omen. We don’t even kill them, unlike how you Berkian’s used to…it’s said that if you come into contact with a dragon, even for only a moment, you’re supposed to pray to the Gods for forgiveness…but, Nightshade, he…he wasn’t bad at all…he was gentle, innocent…he didn’t want to hurt anyone…”

“I knew that what I was doing was wrong, but I couldn’t just…leave him. He was a friend; a dear friend who needed me like I needed him. And so, I cast aside my duties to my tribe…and I looked after him…”

“Things were really difficult, to begin with. The whole village knew about my sins, and they would often shout things at me. Horrible things. Like I was a wretch, or that I wasn’t meant to exist…I ignored them, for the most part, but…sometimes it got to me…I mean, I’d abandoned my own village for a dragon; what was I, if not a wretch?”

You tightened your fists around the blanket covering you, gritting your teeth. You flinched as you felt Hiccup’s hand touch your own, and watched as he sent you a reassuring smile.

“It’s okay. You’re not…”

His words comforted you, convinced you. Those words were all you needed to hear, in order to continue.

“And…after a month or two, the village stopped, or at least cooled down with their insults. I thought they had forgotten. I knew they wouldn’t forgive, but…I thought they had at least forgotten, or chosen to ignore what I was doing…I felt better after that…but there were still some who…would yell things at me, or come after me and attack me…they would beat me down in the middle of the village, and people would just…stand there and watch. Not once did anyone try to help me…and it was then that I knew I had to leave…”

“I couldn’t keep living like that. I was putting both myself and Nightshade in danger…so…I decided that I would take Nightshade, and leave the island. I had no regrets back then…of course, it never occurred to me what could happen if I tried to leave…”

Hiccup gave you a confused look, although his eyes hinted at the horror that bubbled near the surface.

“…What happened, _____?”

You inhaled shakily, closing your eyes as the memories came flooding back.

“…I went late one night into the forest and got Nightshade. I thought that the sooner I left, the better. At that time, I didn’t even think about the future of the village, or what effects my disappearance would have on the treaties between the other tribes. I just wanted to get away from it all…”

Your fingers slowly untangled themselves from the blanket, and your shoulders sagged as the sadness began to wrap itself around you.

“…Me and Nightshade went to leave but…as we were flying, some people started…shooting at us, “ you winced at the memory of Nightshade’s roar of pain as that arrow had embedded itself in his wing, “Nightshade got hurt, and we had to land. We ended up in the centre of the village.”

“I went to protect him; he was my main worry. I didn’t know what they were going to do to him, and the thought of them hurting him even more terrified me. But, as I went to, I was attacked…by…”

You froze. The words got stuck in your throat as the image of your brother’s sneer etched itself back into your mind.

“…By who?” Hiccup’s voice was soft, calming.

“…By my own brother…”

You heard Hiccup’s sharp intake of breath, and you glanced up, watching as his face contorted in shock.

“But…why?” he asked, his voice unable to go above a whisper.

“He…the best way to describe my brother would be to call him…a copy of Dagur…he’s crazy, interested in power and bloodshed and torture…my father saw this, and refused to have him lead the tribe. And when I was chosen, he took that as a sign of war, I guess. He always hated me…”

Hiccup’s face turned grim, and I looked away. We both had painful memories regarding people like those.

“He humiliated me and beat me in front of the entire village, and he was going to kill me, if not for--”

Your voice died out as you remembered what had followed; the horror that those memories held was enough to make your eyes burn terribly with tears.

“It’s okay, _____. Tell me what happened…” Hiccup murmured, and once again, you felt his hand on your own, comforting you. You let out a weak sob, shuddering.

“Nightshade, he- he protected me. He jumped in front of me and took the attack but…he was injured so badly! His neck was slashed and-and there was b-blood everywhere! Oh…Oh Gods the blood…” your words came out a jumbled mess, and you placed your head in your hands, shaking terribly.

“Shh…come on, _____…shh…” you felt Hiccup’s arms wind around you, giving you a tender hug. With a cry, you wrapped your arms around him, letting yourself go.

“I-he…he died in my arms, Hiccup! My dragon, my Nightshade, he…he died to save me…and how did I repay him?! By being a coward and running away! I should’ve stayed, I should’ve fought! I should’ve died there with him-”

“Enough, _____,” Hiccup murmured, his hand moving up to stroke your hair gently, “if there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s that Nightshade wouldn’t have wanted you to die there that night. He truly cared about you, just like Toothless cares for me…you made the right choice in running…you fulfilled his wish and lived…that’s what he would’ve wanted…”

The words that fell from the young man’s lips made you freeze. You knew he was right.

Of course Nightshade had wanted you to escape. He hadn’t wanted you to die - that was the main reason he’d been taken down. He’d protected you.

“I’m not sure about fighting being a better option, either. To be honest with you, it sounds as if you were vastly outmatched. You wouldn’t have stood a chance, _____…” Hiccup continued, pulling away to look you in the eyes.

“I…I guess not…” you sniffled, wiping your tears away, “it’s just that…when I look back, there were so many things that I could’ve done. Things that would’ve prevented all of this…”

“That’s in the past, _____. You can’t change what happened. What’s done is done. Nightshade was taken from you. I know it must be hard, but you have to move on-”

“Move on?” you let out a bitter snort, your anger from the events of that night bubbling to the surface, “how can I possibly move on when the memories of that place haunt my every dream? When I sleep, I dream of nothing but that night. I hear nothing but my dragon’s cries of agony and my brother’s sickening laughter. I see nothing but the body of my one and only friend, laying limp and lifeless in front of me! Tell me, Hiccup! How can I possibly move on from that?!”

You hadn’t meant to snap at him. It wasn’t his fault. You knew that. But the anger of that night, and every night that had followed, had slithered it’s way up into your head. You covered your face with your hands, muttering a quick apology.

“…What about your father?”

Hiccup’s question caught you off guard, and your head shot up. You stared at him, confused, although you still wore an angered expression on your face.

“What about my father?” you asked, your voice blunt.

“How did he react to…all of this? Your father was the chief of your village, right?”

You nodded mutely, sighing deeply.

“My father…when this all happened, he was sick…very sick…he was bed-ridden when I began to meet with Nightshade. I never once told him about him, although I’m guessing that others did. I…didn’t really speak to him much before I left the island…”

You felt the unfamiliar pang of homesickness settle in your gut. Your father had been strict, and you often felt that his teachings and laws were unfair, but now, when you thought about it, he wasn’t bad at all. He had brought you up the way he had thought was best. You understood that now.

You missed him. You never really realised it before, but the gap in your heart where he was missing was throbbing. Johann had helped ease those wounds a little; he’d pretty much thought of you as a daughter, and you had welcomed that, wanting to start fresh and new. But, now that he was gone…you felt the need of your family more than ever.

“What…happened to the rest of your family, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Hiccup’s voice was quiet, and you turned your head, surprised when you saw the hint of sadness in his eyes.

“…My mother died giving birth to me…I never knew her…I was brought up by my father…the same goes for my brother, although…I guess there was always something wrong there…something missing that twisted him…what…what about your mother, Hiccup? If you don’t mind me asking?”

Hiccup sighed, running a hand through his hair.

“I...never knew my mother, either. She died when I was still a baby. She was…eaten by dragons…”

Your eyes widened, and you sucked in a shocked breath. Toothless lifted his head, sending a small growl of unease Hiccup’s way. Hiccup glanced down at him, giving him a weak smile in return.

“It’s okay, bud. It wasn’t you…I was brought up by my dad, like you. I was an only child, and a ‘Hiccup‘, to boot…my dad didn’t really…put a lot of faith in me…”

“There’s nothing wrong with being a ‘Hiccup‘,” you said softly, “it’s just a name. A label given to people in order to define them. It doesn’t mean anything. The way I see it, you’re plenty strong, Hiccup. You’re stronger than most.”

Hiccup lifted his head, staring at you with a small smile on his face.

“How so?”

“Well, most Vikings I know wouldn’t even walk up to a dragon, and yet here you are, riding them. I say that takes an enormous amount of strength…and your will. I know I’ve only been here for a few days, but…in that time, I’ve never seen you give up, or say anything negative…you’re a fighter…and I’d say your dad is plenty proud of you…”

“You think so? All I normally see when he looks at me is disappointment and anger. ‘Son, you let the dragons run rampant again! Son, if you can’t control these reptiles you’ll have to send them off the island! You’re responsible for them, after all! Son, every little problem that arises with the dragons is ultimately your fault, and even if it isn’t, you’ll be forced to clear up the mess!’” Hiccup said lightly, mimicking Stoic’s voice. You let out a laugh, shaking your head.

“Trust me, he’s proud of you. Have you seen the way he looks at you? Especially when you’re handling Toothless? I’ve never seen a man look prouder.”

Hiccup’s eyes widened, and he went quiet, looking down at the floor. With a sigh, you moved forwards, taking his hands in your own. He glanced up at you, his fringe falling in his eyes.

“You’ve changed this island, Hiccup. You’ve changed Berk for the better. And he see’s that. I’ve noticed. It may seem like he doesn’t have a lot of faith, but trust me, he does.”

There was a moment of silence. And then, a grin broke out on Hiccup’s face.

“Yeah…you’re right, _____. You’re right.”

His voice was lighter, happier. The grin he wore showed just how happy the words had made him, and you let out a small squeak as he pulled you close, hugging you.

“…Thank you, _____. I…I needed to hear that…”

“Any time,” you responded, slowly wrapping your arms around him. You leaned your head on his shoulder, inhaling deeply and closing your eyes.

And that’s how you stayed for a while; Hiccup hugging you gently as you slowly began to drift off into sleep.



“…Have you ever thought…about going back?”

Your eyes shot open, and you pulled back, staring at him in shock.


“I’m not saying you have to, I just…wanted to know what you thought about it…”


Of course you had thought about it. The thought had crossed your mind more than a few times in your travels with Johann. But every time you thought about your home, you were reminded that you were no longer welcome. It wouldn’t be possible. Not now.

“…I’ve…thought about it,” you admitted, “back when I was travelling with Johann, I always thought about going back…but I can’t…I’m not welcome anymore…”

“What if you did it secretly?”

“Secretly?” You sent him a look of confusion.

“I’m not saying you have to stay there. I meant that…I mean, if the same thing had happened to me…I’d want to go back…to check on the people I care about…your father may very well still be alive…and I’m sure he’d want nothing more than to see you…”

His words shocked you to the core. Your father. Your father could still be alive. The thought of seeing him again honestly thrilled you. Even if you couldn’t talk to him, just seeing him would be enough…

“I…I would…probably do that…but…--”

“I could go with you.”


Did he really mean that? Did he honestly mean to take you and himself to your island, just for that?

“Hiccup, I--”

“It would help you, _____. Even if you can’t stay, it would give you some sense of closure. Besides, you have a home to come back to. You’re as much a Berkian as I am.”

You felt your eyes burning, and you wiped them, sniffling.

He was offering. He was really offering to do this. He was offering to help you take a huge step. You’d never received kindness like this before. Never in your life.

“…When would we go?” you murmured, feeling yourself leaning against his shoulder once again.

“Whenever you’re ready to leave.”


“I can do now.”

“Really?” you said, glancing at him through the corner of your eye.

“Really.” You practically saw the smirk on his face.

His confidence set something alight inside you, and you felt yourself beginning to smirk as well.

“…I can do now, too.”

“Then what are we waiting for?”

Hiccup glanced down at Toothless, who cocked his head to the side. He turned his attention back to you, pulling you away from his shoulder to stare you in the eyes.

“Let’s go see your home, _____.”
Well, it's here. You guys have waited so long for this, and for that I apologise. But, it's here now, so you can enjoy it. 

Thank you for all of your kind messages. I really appreciate them. You guys have been really supportive, and for that you have my thanks. Seriously. 

How to Train Your Dragon © DreamWorks

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BunnyFluff3658's avatar
Omg this chapter made me so emotional 😭